With Return and Earn it is possible to return your cans, bottles and cartons easily through our Reverse Vending Machines (RVMs) without needing to touch anything at all – except your own containers. Watch our video below to see more information.
To get your digital refund
To get your refunds easily into your Return and Earn app, make sure you’re registered, and signed in.
- At the reverse vending machine, scan your unique barcode available in the Return and Earn app at the scanner.
- Insert your containers one by one into the correct chute.
- After you’ve returned your last container, wait for 15 seconds.
- Your digital refund will be automatically added to your Return and Earn app in your phone.
To get a physical voucher
- At the reverse vending machine, insert your containers one by one in the correct chute.
- After you’ve returned your last container, wait for 15 seconds.
- The machine will automatically print your voucher.
If you’re ready to make a return, find your nearest return point on this website. Please do remember to follow hygiene advice from NSW Health.