Return and Earn is a great way for students and the school community to reduce litter and encourage recycling while raising funds for school or community projects.

Return and Earn School Resources
Return and Earn is proud to partner with the Australian Association for Environmental Education NSW to deliver free teaching resources for Early Learning through to Stage 5.
These curriculum-linked resources provide practical ways for teachers to engage students on sustainability and recycling and support their school’s participation in the Return and Earn container deposit scheme.
Download our free resources
Get Inspired
See how these schools are tackling litter with Return and Earn.
For more stories, visit our News page.

Recycling, composting and gardening: primary school kids see environmental benefits firsthand
- 4 August 2023
How to recycle with Return and Earn

1. Collect eligible bottles and cans
Learn more about eligible containers.

2. Visit a return point
Search for a return point near you with over 600 locations across NSW.

3. EARN a refund and make a donation
Download the Fundraising toolkit to promote your school’s Return and Earn initiatives.
What are the benefits for your school?

Encourage positive recycling behaviours and awareness
Recycle with Return and Earn helps improve awareness among your school community about recycling and litter reduction.

Empower your students to take action
Link Return and Earn with classroom learning on environmental issues, recycling and maths, to demonstrate how individual actions can have a large collective impact.

Create a more sustainable school community
Funds raised with Return and Earn can go towards your school initiatives or other causes.

Reduce school waste collection fees
Sorting your eligible drink containers from the rest of your recycling helps reduce your waste collection costs.
What are the benefits for your school?
Learn how to get your school involved with Return and Earn.
Set up collection stations at the school for students to return their empty drink containers. Identify suitable collection points within your school, such as near the canteen or recreational areas, or in each classroom, and place clean labelled bins with signs showing pictures of eligible cans and bottles. Download the Return and Earn Fundraising Toolkit to access helpful resources and tips. When the bins are full, take to your nearest return point and receive your refund.
Organise regular drop-offs and encourage families to bring in eligible cans and bottles collected at home.
Organise a recycling competition or a container collection drive over a particular period (School Clean Up Day, National Recycling Week, school fete or other event).
Search if your suburb is served by one of our automated depots. They can provide bins and regular collection services for your school. Alternatively, contact us and we will be happy to put you in contact with your nearest automated depots.
Ask your Parents & Citizens Association to register for a scheme barcode to fundraise with Return and Earn.
Return and Earn Partnerships and Awards Program
Return and Earn is proud to be partnering with like-minded organisations to promote schools' outstanding recycling initiatives that teach students about sustainability while also fundraising for environmental projects and good causes.

Australian Association for Environmental Education
Return and Earn works with the Australian Association for Environmental Education (AAEE) NSW Chapter to drive school engagement across AAEE NSW’s programs ‘Take Me Outside NSW’, ‘Sustainable Schools NSW’, ‘NSW Environmental Education Awards’ for the promotion of the Return and Earn Program Leader Award.

Keep Australia Beautiful NSW
Return and Earn and Keep Australia Beautiful NSW have been engaging schools, local councils and community groups to promote positive recycling behaviours and support communities across NSW to take actions to keep our beautiful environment free of litter.

Waste education for schools and students
The kNOw Waste™ Education Program is proudly delivered by Return and Earn partner for network operation, Cleanaway.
Designed to educate schools and communities on sustainable waste management practices – including Return and Earn, kNOw wasteTM encourages behaviour change through outcomes-based education.