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Albury charity, Cans for Vans, fundraising for wheelchair accessible vehicles

8 MAY 2024

Albury charity, Cans for Vans, fundraising for wheelchair accessible vehicles

Albury local Peter White knows how difficult it can be for families to afford wheelchair accessible vehicles. He’s using Return and Earn to help raise funds for those who need the support.

Twenty years ago, Peter’s 5-year-old son was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy. While the family was able to secure a van that enabled travel with the wheelchair, Peter realised how difficult life would have been without the vehicle.

“For many people with a disability, or who have a child with a disability, purchasing a suitable car and having it modified to meet their needs is financially impossible.

“If they can’t transport a loved one, this means they’re often left isolated and find it difficult to buy groceries, attend appointments, join in social events, and do many more activities that we all take for granted,” explained Peter.

To assist those in his community facing the same challenges he faced, Peter launched ‘Make Me Mobile’, a charity that raises funds to purchase wheelchair-accessible vehicles for low-income NDIS clients who could not otherwise afford one.

“Last year was our first year of raising money, and we raised $26,000 for our first van, which will got to a local Albury client this year,” said Peter.

Soon after Make Me Mobile launched, one of Peter’s friends introduced him to Return and Earn and another possible source on income.

“I only saw the potential of Return and Earn after my friend Winston set up the account for me. Then I got permission to put container collection bins out at my workplace, and it sort of grew from there,” said Peter.

Currently, there are people across NSW and even interstate fundraising for Make Me Mobile with container returns.

“The idea is that anyone of any walk of life, from school-age kids to retirees, can raise funds for these wheelchair vans,” he said.

While they have only raised around $300 so far through container refunds, Peter is confident this is just the beginning.

“It’s all fairly new and is only going to grow. More and more people keep picking it up,” he said.