Return and Earners rocket to 1.5 billion containers
Enthusiastic Return and Earners have reached a new milestone, rocketing to 1.5 billion containers returned across NSW just three months on from reaching the 1 billion mark.
The scheme reached the 1 billion containers returned mark on December 2, 2018 and users picked up the pace over summer to add half a billion more to the tally in just three months – hitting 1.5 billion on March 10.
The average daily return rate across the state is now around 4.9 million containers a day, with Return and Earn users embracing the scheme to claim 10 cents for every eligible can, bottle or carton returned, helping to reduce litter in the process.
Return and Earn had its busiest month ever in January, with 168.8 million containers returned. January also had the two busiest days ever, with a record 6.8 million containers returned on January 2 and again on January 28.
Return and Earn is a partnership between the NSW Government, scheme coordinator Exchange for Change and network operator TOMRA Cleanaway. Launched in December 2017 it has become the state’s largest litter initiative.