Voucher looks OK?

If your Return and Earn voucher has no marks or lines but you scanned it in store and it didn’t work, there is a chance your voucher was placed in a ‘reserved’ state. You may try again in 15 minutes and request that the shop assistant manually type in the 28 digit barcode number.

Voucher has a visible error or fault?

If your voucher has a fault, such as a white line or missing numbers, please fill in the form below.

  • Please provide address and suburb details.
  • Drop files here or

    Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 3.

    Reply emails from our Customer Service Centre can sometimes end up in your SPAM folder. Please be sure to check your Junk/Spam folder or contact us on 1800 290 691 to follow up.